We left Montreal at 5:30am and started our hike at 8:35am and came back at 4:00pm. Everything was well within the sunrise/sunset times. Weather was a bit cloudy with -12°C (-20°C windchill). We had our snowshoes with us, but the snow was packed enough that micro-spikes were perfect.
The trails to Phelps and Tabletop are well-marked. New signs for Tabletop were added this season, so it was easy to find. We reached the top of Phelps Mountain at 10:50am and the top of Tabletop at 1:20pm.
Here our stats:
Hiking time: 7 hr 25 min
Distance: 20.5 km (12.7 miles)
Elevation gain: 1,616 m (5,301 ft)
We got a pretty sweet car upgrade for the weekend (for the same price).
This was just after Marcy Dam. Quite some snow next to trail, but the snow on
the trail was nicely packed. No snow on the trees below 3,000 ft.
Some super icy patches. Thanks mini spikes!
Top of Phelps mountain at 10:50am.
Pretty nice view from Phelps Mountain looking east towards Mount Colden.
View from Phelps Mountain looking SouthWest.
Tabletop Mountain at 1:20pm.