A blog about hiking peaks :)

This blog is about our hiking adventures all around the world while tracking and logging every step. We are Zeno (32) and Ann-Lauriene (33), a married couple from Switzerland and Germany who love to be outdoors. For me, Ann-Lauriene, I did not grew up near mountains and it took me 21 years to hike my first mountain with Zeno. From then on, we both have been hiking whenever possible. During our 4.5years living in Montreal to get our PhD degree in Physics, we frequently travelled to the Adirondacks, NY to hike all 46 peaks above 4,000 ft. By 2016, we successfully hiked all peaks and are now proud members of the 46er club :)

Our definite hiking highlight so far was hiking the Sierra High Route in California, USA. This route runs from Kings Canyon National Park to Yosemite National Park and is >314 km (195 mile) long mostly off-trail. It was by far the best trip we have done.

Zeno and Ann-Lauriene in 2016

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